Statement of
Mission (purpose)
The primary mission of Soul Care Full Gospel Center is “to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ and bringing deliverance to those in bondage who will believe on His Name.” This is demonstrated in terms of results rather than in terms of activity.
This mission is specifically expanded through:
Exalting God in faithful, Spirit-led worship;
Encouraging One Another in loving Christian community by
demonstrating God’s love through meeting needs in the Kingdom
Edifying & Equipping Believers for Ministry in an ongoing disciple-making process
of helping each other become more like Christ in thoughts, words, and actions; and
Evangelizing the World---beginning with the communities within
our city; proclaiming the message of salvation through Jesus
Christ by following the five Great Commission statements found in
each of the Gospels and the book of Acts:
1) Matthew 28:19-20–Go, preach, teach, baptize
2) Mark 16:15-18 –Signs and wonders shall follow them that
3) Luke 24:47-49 –Repentance and remission of sins should be
preached in His name
4) John 20:21-23 –Preach forgiveness of sin; 4:35-36 – Reap the
5) Acts 1:8 –Witness in the power of the Holy Spirit...
1. Sunday 'Soul' School
2. Sunday Family Worship Celebration
3. Mid-week Care Groups providing:
- Bible Institute & Academy of Ministry Training
- Intensive teachings on Faith, Fervent Prayer, & Spiritual Warfare
- Ongoing Nurturing
- Discipleship & Oversight
- Fellowship
- Various In-house Church Service Auxiliaries
4. Friday Evening Jubilee Services
5. Joy Junction Children, Youth, and Young Adult Church Academy (Every 3rd
6. Christian Counseling
7. Music Ministry (children, youth & adult)
8. Children & Youth Dance Ministries
9. CD/DVD & Video Media Ministry; production of Books, Training
Manuals & other publications. . .
10. Christian Life Conferences & Seminars; Workshops; Host Annual
International Leadership POW WOW Training Conference . . .
11. Evangelistic Outreach Ministries:
- Weekly half hour Radio Broadcast Ministry
- Christian Bookstore & Gospeltique
- Upper Room Outreach Storehouse (food/clothing/furniture/etc)
- Exercise Hut to encourage good Physical Health
- Restoration Ministry (drugs, alcohol, divorce, etc.)
12. The signing of Membership & Leadership
Covenants committing to support the Vision of Soul Care Full Gospel
Center . . .
13. Encourage the faithful presentation of Tithes & Offerings in obedience to
God for support of the ministry . . .